Elmwood no more, long live Elmwood! Elmwood Electronics and PiShop are now together!
Please order via PiShop.ca, as we are no longer taking orders through this site.
More details are in our blog!

Lower prices on Adafruit!

September 25, 2020

Big news!  We just lowered our prices on over 1,000 Adafruit SKU's!

We pride ourselves on pricing everything in Canadian dollars, but the sad reality is that we buy almost everything in USD.  Maintaining the price list on thousands of SKU's is a lot of work, and until now, we pretty much did it manually.

Today I decided to set aside some time to write a Python script that would automatically take the Adafruit list price and convert it into Canadian dollars based on the latest exchange rate.  Fortunately, the Bank of Canada has a JSON feed of the latest rates, so with a bit of JSON decoding, it is easy to get the latest rates.

Now, once a day, our script will adjust our prices based on the previous day's exchange rate.  We basically take the exchange rate, add a percentage to account for freight and import costs, and then round to $0.99.  

We hope you like our new pricing model, and with any luck you will save a bit of money on your next Elmwood order!


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